
3.3.3 Super I/O Configuration
Serial Port1 Address
Allows BIOS to configure Serial Port1 Base Address.
Disabled / 3F8/IRQ4 / 2E8/IRQ3
Serial Port2 Address
Allows BIOS to configure Serial Port2 Base Address.
Disabled / 2F8/IRQ3 / 2E8/IRQ3
Watchdog Mode
POST: Watchdog timer counting, start at Power on, stop at OS Boot
OS: Start at OS Boot
Power on: Start at power on
Disabled / POST / OS / Power On
Watchdog Timer
Watchdog timer sets 2/4/6/8/10/12 minutes. When WD time-out occurs, system will
auto reboot.
2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12
BIOS Setup Utility
Main Advanced PCI/PnP Boot Security Chipset Exit
Configure Win627DHG Super IO Chipset
Serial Port1 Address
Serial Port2 Address
Watchdog Mode
Watchdog Timer
Allows BIOS to Select Serial
Port1 Base Addresses.
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F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit