This section describes the messages that may appear on the 4100U-S1 display when using
the IDNet card. Trouble messages appear on the left as titles, and possible causes are
listed to the right in the text.
There is no output voltage from the IDNet power supply. Replace the IDNet card.
Appears if one or more extra devices (i.e., devices that have not been configured for the
IDNet channel) are found on the channel, or if a device is at an incorrect address. Only
one message appears, regardless of the number of extra devices found. Viewing the
trouble log will reveal the extra device address.
There is an open on the IDNet channel. After fixing the wiring fault, a hardware reset is
required to reset the trouble.
Appears while the IDNet card is searching for earth faults on the IDNet line. When this
message is displayed, the IDNet card cannot show any alarms or other statuses.
Appears when a short is detected on the IDNet channel. This status clears automatically
when the short circuit is removed.
Appears when devices have been configured, but none of the devices are communicating
on the channel. This message does not appear if there are no configured devices on the
IDNet channel.
Appears when a device is missing.
Appears when there is a faulty device or a noisy communications channel.
Occurs during any of these conditions:
- 24 V is not present on TrueAlarm devices.
- TrueAlarm sensor bases with relay driver outputs are not properly supervised.
- Isolator devices are in isolation mode.
Troubleshooting on IDNet
“IDNet Power
Monitor Trouble”
“Extra Device”
“Class A Trouble”
“Earth Fault Search”
Short Circuit
“Channel Fail”
“No Answer”
“Bad Answer”
“Output Abnormal”