
Page 24
Paste NuSteel or DuBois Rub with dry cloth. Use a Use in direction of polish lines
Temp small amount of cleaner. on No. 4 (polished) finish.
May scratch No. 2 (mill) and
No. 7 and 8 (polished) finishes.
Cooper’s Stainless Steel Apply with damp sponge or. Use in direction of polish lines
Cleaner, Revere Stainless cloth. on No. 4 (polished) finish.
Steel Cleaner May scratch No. 2 (mill) and
No. 7 and 8 (polished) finishes.
Grade F Italian pumice, Steel Rub with a damp cloth. Use in direction of polish lines
Bright, Lumin Cleaner, Zud or on No. 4 (polished) finish.
Restoro May scratch No. 2 (mill) and
No. 7 and 8 (polished) finishes.
Penny-Brite or Copper-Brite Rub with a dry cloth. Use a Use in direction of polish lines
small amount of cleaner. on No. 4 (polished) finish.
May scratch No. 2 (mill) and
No. 7 and 8 (polished) finishes.
Heat tint or heavy Penny-Brite or Copper-Brite Rub with a dry cloth. Use in direction of polish lines
discoloration on No. 4 (polished) finish.
May scratch No. 2 (mill) and
No. 7 and 8 (polished) finishes.
Paste NuSteel or DuBois Rub with dry cloth. Use a Use in direction of polish lines
Temp small amount of cleaner. on No. 4 (polished) finish.
May scratch No. 2 (mill) and
No. 7 and 8 (polished) finishes.
Revere Stainless Steel Apply with a damp sponge Use in direction of polish lines
Cleaner or cloth. on No. 4 (polished) finish.
May scratch No. 2 (mill) and
No. 7 and 8 (polished) finishes.
Allen Polish, Steel Bright, Rub with a damp cloth. Use in direction of polish lines
Wyandotte, Bab-O or Zud on No. 4 (polished) finish.
May scratch No. 2 (mill) and
No. 7 and 8 (polished) finishes.
Burnt-on foods and Easy-Off, De-Grease-It, 4-6% Apply generous coating. Excellent removal, satisfactory
grease, fatty acids, hot solution of such agents Allow to stand for 10-15 min. for use on all finishes.
milkstone (where swab- as trisodium tripolyphospate, Repeated application may
bing or rubbing is not or 5-15% caustic soda be necessary.
practical) solution
Tenacious deposits, Oakite No. 33, Dilac, Texo 12, Swab and soak with clean Satisfactory for use on all
rusty discolorations, Texo N.Y., Flash-Klenz, cloth. Let stand 15 minutes finishes.
industrial atmospheric Caddy Cleaner, Turco Scale or more according to direc-
stains 4368 or Permag 57. tions on package. Rinse
and dry.
Hard water spots Vinegar Swab or wipe with a cloth. Satisfactory for use on all
and scale Rinse with water and dry. finishes.
5% oxalic acid, 5% sulamic Swab or soak with a cloth. Satisfactory for use on all
acid, 5-10% phospheric acid, Let stand 10-15 minutes. finshes. Effective on tenacious
or Dilac, Oakite No. 33, Always follow with neutralizer deposites or where scale has
Texo 12 or Texo N.Y. rinse, and dry. built up.
April, 2007