The Servo Glas 4000 is designed for personal eye and face
protection from harmful radiation, sparks and welding spatter
produced under normal welding conditions. Please follow good
industry and safety practices and use additional protection where
Cover plates are strong and of industry standard quality but they
are breakable. The Servo Glas 4000 is a quality welding helmet
but is not designed to provide protection from severe impact such as
broken grinding wheels or debris from other broken tools, corrosive
liquids, explosions, or other extreme incidents. We recommend you
always adopt a conservative attitude towards safety and take
additional precautions as required and recommended in the relevant
safety standards relating to the operation you are undertaking.
The welding filter is not designed to be waterproof. Please do not
use your helmet in the rain or other inclement weather. To do so
may reduce the life of your helmet and result in damage or injury.
In the event that your helmet or welding filter is exposed to direct
contact with, or is submerged in water or other liquid immediately
stop using the helmet, remove the filter cartridge from the shell,
remove the batteries from the filter, inspect carefully for damage and
if necessary mop-up excess moisture with a paper towel and then
leave to dry in a warm (not hot) place out of direct sunlight. Never
place your helmet in an oven or microwave to dry. Before use
perform all normal system checks and if in any doubt contact your
Servo Glas distributor. Your Servore helmet is a precision
engineered professional protection product and must be maintained
in good condition to ensure your personal protection.
When working in the vicinity of other welders it is necessary to
adopt good industry standard practice and ensure a minimum
distance of 1M between workers. Failure to do so may result in injury
or malfunction of the auto darkening mechanism.
Please do not wear the helmet when you are not welding. In
some circumstances the auto darkening mechanism may be
unexpectedly triggered resulting in reduced vision and subsequent
injury to yourself or others.
Servore does not support the use of Servo Glas 4000 range of
products in combination with any other manufacturers' products. To
use parts that are not approved by Servore may void your warranty
and result in personal injury. Please use only genuine Servo Glas
4000 parts and spares as provided by your authorized Servo Glas
Servore reserves the right to make improvements, change or
otherwise modify the specifications, materials and design of any and
all Servore products at their sole discretion with a view to ensuring
continuous improvement. Never attempt any unauthorized
modifications or alterations to your Servore product. To do so may
result in personal injury and void your warranty.
Thank you for purchasing a Servore product. If you have any questions regarding this
or any other Servore product please contact your authorized Servo Glas