Operating Procedure
Unpack the Bubble Master and inspect all components. Although the
packaging was designed for the rigours of today’s parcel delivery services,
damage may have occurred during shipping.
1. Prior to operation, the extension sleeve may be placed over the bubble
outlet. This will allow the bubbles to be projected higher, before they
begin to disperse outwards.
2. For lower ying bubbles do not use the extension sleeve.
3. Place the Bubble Master on a level sturdy surface, or use the optional
adjustable stand sold separately.
4. Open a container of Ultratec Bubble Fluid, and pierce the foil top. Pour
the uid into the bubble outlet. Fill up to 1/2” below the reservoir top.
This initially should take approximately 1 gallon.
5. Plug the Bubble Master into an outlet that is capable of sustaining the
current load listed on the product serial plate.
6. Use the Fan Speed Control knob to start the bubble wheel and fans,
and to control the fan speed. By varying the fan speed you can control
the bubble volume, size and height.
Shut Down Procedure
1. Disconnect the Bubble Master from the power source.
2. Remove the bubble extension sleeve if used.
3. Using a funnel, empty the contents of the uid reservoir back into the 1 gallon uid container. This can be done by
tipping the unit, and pouring the uid out of the bubble outlet.
4. Replace cap on the uid container to keep dirt and debris from entering.
5. Rinse out uid reservoir and bubble wheels with hot tap water tap water to remove excess bubble uid residue.
Using a paper towel wipe out extension sleeve and bubble outlet.
6. Empty into sink or appropriate drain.
Bubble Wheel not turning:
Ensure that set screws are secure in bubble wheel motor shaft.
Intermittent bubbles produced:
Ensure that there is enough uid in the uid reservoir, and that the bubble wheels are being submersed in bubble uid.
Fill to 0.5in below reservoir top.
Do not overll past top of reservoir.
Pour uid in bubble outlet