
Recording a personal outgoing message (Greeting)
1) With the phone in standby, press and hold [greet]. You will hear the announcement "Record greeting" and a
conrmation tone. [ ] ashes on the message counter.
2) Start recording your message. You have 30 seconds, and the message counter starts to count down [
] to
[ ] every second.
3) When you are nished recording your greeting, press
[greet], [ ] (play/stop) or [set]. You hear a conrmation
tone, and then your greeting plays back for you. See "Selecting the Message Record Time" on page 36 on how
to set the announce only feature.
Your greeting must be more than 2 seconds and less than 30 seconds to record.
Position yourself as near to the base’s microphone as possible and speak clearly when recording
your outgoing message.
Choosing between the two outgoing messages
With the phone in standby, press [greet] to play the current outgoing message. While the outgoing message
is playing, press [greet] again to switch between the prerecorded greeting and the personal greeting. After the
message nishes playing, a conrmation tone is heard.
Note: To delete the personal greeting, press [
] (delete) during the announcement and the system
announces "Greeting has been deleted."