LED Signal Strength Meter in City Mode
The LED signal strength meter gives you instant information about the
strength of the signal being detected. A weak signal causes the first LED
to light, but as signal strength increases, more LEDs light. All three LEDs
light when full signal strength is received. Use this meter to judge the
distance from the signal source.
Signal Strength X K,
and and SWS
Laser (Red) and
Laser2 (Amber)
●❍❍ Visual Visual/Audio Visual/Audio
●●❍ Visual/Audio Visual/Audio Visual/Audio
●●● Visual/Audio Visual/Audio Visual/Audio
Safety Warning System Operation
The Safety Warning System (SWS™) is a new communication system
that will provide an early warning when a road hazard exists. The
LRD 737 is capable of detecting the SWS signal broadcast on the K-band
by either law enforcement or local departments of transportation. The
yellow SWS LED lights, while an audible alert sounds. When this alert
sounds, you should tune to local radio traffic reports or prepare to slow
down or stop your vehicle because you could be approaching an accident,
bad road conditions caused by weather, or road crews or construction.
Wed Sep 22 15:35:43 1999
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