Interference from the impulse noise gener-
ated by the electrical systems of engines is
sometimes a prob/e.m with radios. The
MC6 10 has been designed to be essentially
impeNious to ignition impulse noise and d/-
ternator noise. However, in some install-
ations itmay be necessary to take measures
to further reduce the effect of noise inter-
ference. All DC battery wires, antenna
lead, and accessory cables should be rout-
ed away from the engine and engine com-
partment and from power cabling carrying
particularly high currents.
In severe cases of impulse noise interfer-
ence, it may be necessary to install a noise
suppression kit that isavailable from your
Marine Dealer.
Your MC610 is a precision piece of elec-
tronic equipment and you should treat it
accordingly. Due to the rugged design,
very little maintenance is required, how-
ever, a few precautions should be ob-
Ifyou radio has been accidentally subjected
to spray or splash you should immediately
wipe it down with a soft cloth dampened
with fresh water.
If the antenna has been damaged, you
should not transmit except in case of
emergency. Adefective antenna maycause
damage to your radio.
Youare urged to arrange for periodic per-
formance checks with your Marine dealer.