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Controls 0 and Functions
... 1. Power On/Off and Simulation On/Off Key - This key is
used to turn the unit on or off, and to begin the simulation mode.
Press once to turn the power on, press again to turn the power off.
Press and hold for more than 2 seconds when turning the power on
to enter the simulation mode.
~ 2. Backlight On/Off Key - This key is used to turn the
display backlighting on and off. Press once to turn on, and press
again to turn off.
~ 3. Alarm Clear, Alarm Buzzer and Zoom On/Off Key -
Use this key to shut off the audible alarm when it sounds for either
the shallow, deep, or fish alarms. To clear an alarm or zoom, first
press the associated key (either shallow, deep fish or zoom) and then
press the reset button.
-4. Up or increase Key - This key is used in conjunction
with the depth range, zoom range, shallow alarm, deep alarm, gain
level, and display sweep speed controls. Pressing this button will in-
crease or raise the appropriate item.
--- 5. Downor DecreaseKey- This key operates in a similar
fashion to the up or increase key, except that this one decreases or
lowers the appropriate item.
IimimII 6. Depth Range Selection - This key is used with the A
and A keys to set the range to display. To set the range, first press
this key, t-hen use the A or V key until the desired range is indicated
on the display.
IE!mII 7. Automatic Operation - Pressing the Auto key tells your
MC800 to automatically select the optimum range, gain, and sweep
speeds for clearest viewing. The word 11AUTO" is displayed at the
bottom of the screen when in this operating mode.
II!mDII 8. Gain level Control - This control is used to set the gain
of the receive section for maximum clarity. It is usually set to the
highest point possible before interference is shown on the screen. To
use this function, first press the Gain key, and then use the A and V
keys to set the gain to the desired level. The gain is shown on the
Gain bar graph at the top of the LCD screen. The gain is adjustable in
8 steps.
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