If… Try..
None of the buttons on the
receiver respond when I
press them.
Resetting the receiver.-
Unstable or Weak Signal
If the video seems to lag and or the audio sounds weak, the camera and the receiver do not have a
strong, clear signal between them. There are several causes for a weak signal:
Possible Cause Solution
The camera might be too
far from the receiver.
Adjust the antennas on the receiver and the camera. Often, changing
the angle of the antenna can improve the signal strength.
Try moving the camera closer to the receiver.
The battery in the camera
or receiver may be low.
Make sure the batteries in the camera and receiver are fully charged.
There may be too many
obstacles between the
camera and receiver.
Adjust the antennas on the receiver and the camera.
Remove as many obstacles from the signal path as possible,
especially reinforced concrete walls and any large metal objecs that
might reflect the signal.
Avoid placing the camera and receiver where the signal path crosses
a high-traffic area or body of water. For example, place the camera
on the same side of a hallway as the receiver or mount the camera at
least 7 feet up.
Relocate the camera and receiver so that there is a clear line of sight
between them.
Try moving the camera closer to the receiver.
Weak signal and video performance
The video performance is directly affected by the signal quality. As the signal weakens degrades,
the amount of data transferred decreases, and the video frame rate goes down. The table below
shows a breakdown of the performance you can expect at the different levels of signal quality.