To change, use the or T key. You can select either 500,1000,2000,3000
or 4000 mSec.
When completed, press the MEM key. The new Lead - In Delay stops flashing and is
stored in the radio memory.
To return to normal operation, press and hold the OS/GS key for about 1.5 seconds,
or, press either the or T key to go to the next programmable parameter.
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Lead -In Tone Programming
The Lead-In Tone when programmed, rides on the "Lead in Delay". When transmitting
a SelcalllD a continuous tone will be heard for the duration of the Lead In Delay.
The main function of the Lead - InTone is to increase the probability of contact between
radios when Tone Squelch Scanning.
Unlike normal scanning, TSQ Scanning monitors the detected carrier for the presence
of Lead - In tone. Without it, TSQ scanning resumes.
If a Lead - In Tone is present the UH-100 will lock onto that signal and wait for the
You can program the UH-100 to lock onto a particular Lead
-In Tone. This feature
enables the radio to immediately recognize whether the signal present is intended for
your group.
i.e. If you are using Tone 1, your radio during TSQ scanning will lock only onto signal
with Tone 1 as its Lead - In tone.
Note: Should you wish your radio to lock onto any transmission regardless of Lead-In
tone type present select "Tone - - ".