............................................. 2
Features .................................................... 2
Manual overview ...................................... 2
......................................... 3
What’s included ........................................ 3
Parts of the Radio ..................................... 4
Parts of the Microphone ............................ 5
Turning on the Radio .................................5
Seng the UIC Channel Mode
(USA/CAN/INT) ........................................ 6
How It Works ............................................ 6
Normal mode operaon ........................... 7
Scan mode ................................................. 9
Weather mode ........................................ 11
Using Your Radio ..................................... 12
Using Your Radio ..................................... 12
Making a voice MAYDAY call ................... 13
Seng the volume .................................. 13
Seng the squelch level ......................... 13
Changing the channel .............................. 13
Making a transmission ............................. 13
Boosng the transmission power ............14
Choosing Triple Watch or Dual Watch .....14
Using FIPS codes for weather alerts......... 15
Changing display and sound opons ....... 16
Seng the GPS posion manually .......... 16
Features ............................................... 18
What is DSC? ........................................... 18
What is an MMSI number? ...................... 18
Entering MMSI numbers ......................... 19
Using the Directory ..................................20
Making DSC Calls ...................................... 21
Making an automac distress call ............ 23
Receiving a DSC call.................................. 24
Test Calls .................................................. 25
Posion Request and Reply ..................... 27
Pung the radio into standby ................ 28
Disabling automac channel switching ....28
Installing the Hardware .......................... 29
Mounng the radio ................................. 29
Connecng the radio ...............................30
Connecng to a GPS receiver .................. 31
Connecng to a Chartploer ................... 33
Connecng to an External Speaker ..........33
.......... 34
Engine Noise Suppression ........................ 35
.......................................... 36
Radio Specicaons ................................36
Reference Tables .................................... 37
Channel descripons and
what they mean ..................................... 37
US Marine Channels and Frequencies ..... 38
Canadian Marine Channels and
Frequencies ........................................... 39
Internaonal Marine Channels and
Frequencies ........................................... 41
Weather Channels and Frequencies
(US, CAN, and INT) ................................. 43
Emergency Alert System (SAME)
Informaon ............................................ 43
No Response Event Code ......................... 45
NMEA Operaon ......................................46
NMEA Output .......................................... 46
........... 46
Three Year Limited Warranty .................. 47
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