No Response Event Code
TXB Transmitter Backup On
TXF Transmitter Carrier On
TXO Transmitter Carrier On
TXP Transmitter Primary On
This radio supports NMEA0183 version 4.01.
NMEA Input
If you have difficulty getting your radio to receive data from your GPS receiver, check the
device’s configuration. It should be set to the following parameters:
Baud rate 4800 bps
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Data amplitude Over 2.0 V
Drive capability Over 10 mA
The radio supports RMC, GLL, GNS, GGA and ZDA sentences. When these sentences are
received, the radio displays latitude/longitude, date, time, course, and speed. If any sentence
except an RMC or GLL sentence is received, the radio uses the information based on the
following priority order.
x Status:RMC > GLL > GNS > GGA
x Latitude/Longitude:RMC > GLL > GNS > GGA
x UTC Time: RMC > GLL > GNS > GGA > ZDA
x Date: RMC > ZDA
x Speed / Course:RMC
#NOTE 1: If the radio receives only a GLL sentence, the radio does not display the current
speed, course, and date.
#Note 2: If the radio receives both RMC and GLL sentences, the radio uses only the RMC
#Note 3: Status data is used to check whether the GPS data is valid or invalid.
NMEA Output
When the radio receives a DSC call (Distress, Position Reply, or Position Send), it outputs a
DSC/DSE sentence from the NMEA output port.
#NOTE: When the radio receives a distress call, it outputs a sentence in the following format.
x $CDDSC,12,3081234000,,07,00,0354013946,0657,,,S,E*6D
x $CDDSE,1,1,A,3081234000,00,60875646*13