unigreen 11
= Check that the weight on the hook can be supported by the tractor (the
maximum weights on the drawbar are indicated in the fittings tables N° 12
pages 33-34).
= If the machine is coupled to the tractor by a tow hook, adjust the height of
the hook to keep the tank of the sprayer horizontal.
= When you have connected the drawbar proceed as for the towing steering
After attaching the drawbar to the tractor, you must retract the parking foot (or
wheel) to prevent damage during operation.
Retract the foot as follows:
= lift the machine up about 20 cm using the tractor’s elevator (if the machine
is instead attached to the trailer hook, retract the parking foot by turning the
= Take out the blocking pin and push the foot up towards the back of the
= Hold the foot horizontal and put the blocking pin back in, inserting the
handle in the slot to keep it from accidentally slipping out.
NOTE: to put the foot back into parking position when you unhook the machine
from the tractor after operation, make sure that you follow these instructions:
= hold up the foot with one hand, while pulling out the blocking pin with the
other (guide the foot all the way down with your hand).
= put the blocking pin back in, adjust the height to keep the tank of the sprayer
To adjust the wheel spacing, you must lift up the machine as described in 4.3,
or use a jack underneath the machine chassis; if you use a jack, the machine
must be hooked up to the tractor so it is properly braked.
The correct position for the jack is shown on the machine in the illustration to
the side. Check that the jack is resting steadily on a firm, solid surface.
To adjust the spacing, just loosen the screws holding the axle and pull the hub
out to the desired position, then secure it again with the screws.
WARNING: axle track should be adjusted by authorized Unigreen personnel.
The length (L) of the axle section inserted in the chassis must never be less
than the one indicated in the chart, and the overhang (S) must not be greater;
incorrect positioning of the hubs could weaken the axle and cause breakage.
Estrarre la spina di
blocco e ribaltare il
piede verso il retro
della macchina.
Sostenere il piede
orizzontalmente e
riposizionare la
spina di blocco
facendo alloggiare
la maniglia
nell'apposito incavo
per evitare
Tractor coupling for Towed machines:
homologated version, coupled to tow hook
Hub chart (measurements in mm)
series S (max) L (min) T hub
Campo 11 200 350 550 60x60x550 6c
Campo 16 175 375 550 60x60x550 6c
Campo 16 Riso 200 500 700 70x70x700 8c
Campo 22 C/E 250 450 700 70x70x700 8c
Campo 22 Riso 250 450 700 80x80x700 8c
Campo 22 P 250 450 700 80x80x700 8c
Campo 32 C/P 250 450 700 80x80x700 8c
Campo 22/32 S 300 400 700 100x100x700 8c