20 unigreen
See the table below for the data conversion.
During the distribution of the product watch the pre-established speed and
pressure, following the data in the nozzles table.
The tables indicate the volume distributed per hectare for each type of
nozzle at the desired speed and pressure and are calculated as follows:
V=600xQ / IxV where: V=volume to distribute (L/HA)
Q=capacity of the nozzle (L/MIN)
I=distance between the nozzles in metres (0.5)
V = tractor speed (Km/h)
e) Considering the wear of the nozzles and a possible pressure drop in time,
to check them proceed as follows:
With the pump running at the pre-established pressure, measure the quantity
of liquid that comes out of the nozzles in L/min. Multiply this by the figure in
the table indicated below corresponding to the chosen treatment speed. The
resulting figure is the exact quantity of liquid to distribute per hectare.
EXAMPLE: the nozzle delivers 2.2 L. per minute. The speed chosen for the
treatment is 6 km/h, the quantity to distribute per hectare is
2.2 x 200 = 440 L/ha
f ) For a quick and immediate spraying check use QUICK CHEK (code 5030/
0174F )
OTHER SPACING (Cm) 75 60 50 45 42,5 40 35 33 30
CONVERSION FACTOR 0,666 0,833 1,000 1,111 1,176 1,250 1,428 1,515 1,666
THIS GOES FOR Km / hour 23456789101112
600 400 300 240 200 172 150 133 120 109 100