• For electric appliances with three-phase motors, particular attention must be paid to ensure
the direction of rotation of the motor corresponds to that shown on the reducer. If this is
not the case, contact a Skilled Technician who will be able to solve the problem by simply
inverting a wire inside the power plug. Failure to comply with the above will result in
considerable damage to the appliance.
4.1.2 Preparing chemicals for spraying
• Keep products in a ventilated place with a door that can be locked. Products must be kept
out of reach of children and unauthorised adults. Appropriate warning notices should be
placed outside to inform of the danger.
• Read instructions and safety information provided on the chemical product’s container
carefully so that the most appropriate action may be taken to avoid endangering oneself or
the environment. It is especially important that the maximum recommended concentrations
are not exceeded, that only the amount of product needed for the treatment is prepared and
that spillages onto soil and into water are avoided.
• Should chemicals come into contact with your eyes, wash immediately with water. Contact
a doctor without delay and remember to take the product’s container with you.
• Should chemicals be swallowed, do not provoke vomiting. Contact a doctor without delay
and remember to take the product’s container with you. Avoid inhaling the fumes that
develop by using appropriate equipment for personal protection (a mask, for example).
Drinking, eating and smoking are prohibited.
• Always wear suitable protective clothing and keep children, unauthorised adults and
personnel without protection at a safe distance.
• Always wash your hands and face carefully after nishing work.
• All garments that have come into contact with chemicals must be washed thoroughly. Any
item that may have been contaminated must be cleaned immediately.
• The containers used for chemicals must be disposed of according to current legislations in
the country where the appliance is used.
4.1.3 Filling the tank
• Pay particular attention to the instructions contained in the section on “Preparing
chemicals for spraying”.
• Take care to avoid spilling the product onto the ground or into water when lling the tank.
• Water must only be added to the tank using free-fall water pipes or indirectly (jugs, drums,
etc). The hose used for lling must never come into contact with the liquid contained in the
tank. Do not connect up to the mains supply of drinking water.
• Do not over ll the tank; only ll with the amount of product needed for spraying.
a) Turnthecover(2)anti-clockwiseandcheckthattheaperturelocatedinthemiddleisnot
b) Checkthatthellinglter(23),theinsideofthetankandtheinternalintakelter(22)(only
c) Fillupwiththeproducttobesprayed.Werecommendatrialrunwithcleanwaterbeforestarting
d) Closethecover(2)again,turningitclockwisebutnotforcingit.