13MR550 User’s Manual
Chapter 4 - Useful Programs
Chapter 4 - Useful Programs
In the MR550, the built-in scanner, magnetic stripe reader or proximity
are connected to an advanced decoder chip, and this chip is connected
to COM3 port. Application programs should call Unitech’s scanner DLL
library (Please refer to MR550 programming manual for detailed
function of DLL library). Oftentimes it is not easy to get read data into
application programs, especially if the application is provided by a third
party, and users are not allowed to modify the source program.
4.1 - Bar2Key
“Bar2Key.exe” is an useful tool to get scanned/swiped data into any
application program. While Bar2Key is running, all scanned/swiped
data goes into the standard keyboard input buffer. Scanned/swiped data
will be treated as normal keyboard input. Thus, any application pro-
gram can input scanned/swiped data, just as if it were input by key-
Bar2Key.EXE is located in the Win-
dows folder. After executing the pro-
gram, a Barcode icon will appear on
the taskbar. Press scanner trigger
key (or swipe) as you normally would
to scan a barcode label.
For detail barcode symbology and
MSR settings, please refer to the
next 2 sections.
For exiting Bar2Key, double tap the
Barcode icon on the taskbar and then
tap the Exit button.