Unitech PA962
Checking Main and Backup Battery Status
Enter “Power Properties”:
If the above mentioned :Plug9 icon or :Battery9 icon is
displayed, double tap this icon to bring up the :Power
Properties9 screen.
Or, select Settings/Control Panel from the Start menu
and then double tap the :Power9 icon to display :Power
Check Battery Status:
It is necessary to charge the battery when :Low9 or :Very
Low9 are displayed in bold characters. If :Low9 or :Very
Low9 are still displayed after charging, please contact
Unitech Technical Support.
The battery menu item will show the status of the main
and backup batteries. There are 3 kinds of status indica-
tors C :Good9, :Low9 and :Very Low9. Bold characters
indicate the actual status, e.g. battery icons in the illustra-
tion at right mean both the main and backup batteries are
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