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Using Hotkeys
The PA982 provides eight combination hot keys to activate specified screen setting
functions or programs. These hotkeys are useful for calibrating the touch screen, tog-
gling the backlight, and adjusting screen contrast when the menu-driven operation is
disabled. Below is the list of hotkeys. To use them, press and hold the [FUNC] key in
combination with the corresponding second key.
Using the Stylus
CAUTION! Never use anything other than the PA982 stylus on the screen. Using
another object as a stylus could cause permanent damage.
1. Slide the stylus in the direction of the arrow (A) and then pull out (B) to remove
the stylus from its holder.
2. Hold the stylus as holding a pencil.
3. To make a choice from a menu, lightly tap the tip of the stylus on that choice.
4. To write data into a field on a form, use the stylus to print the letters or numbers.
[FUNC] + [ESC] Re-calibrate the touch screen.
[FUNC] +
Decrease screen brightness
[FUNC] +
Increase screen brightness
[FUNC] + [TAB*] Toggle screen and LCD backlight.
[FUNC] + [6] Open the Task manager
[FUNC] + [7] Scanner Setting.exe
[FUNC] + [8] Open the Power Properties dialog
[FUNC] + [9] Open Sys
[FUNC] + [0] Space
[FUNC] + [CursorS] Toggle Display Backlight
[FUNC] + [CursorT] Toggle Keypad LED Backlight