Chapter 4 Advanced Settings
Copyright 2009 Unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Unitech is a registered trademark of Unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.
– Scan: A window appears with available APs. Click Refresh to receive the
updated list. Referring to the received signal strength indication (RSSI) and
whether data encryption is required or not, i.e., true or false (Secure), select a
desired SSID from the list and click Connect to create a new profile with this
• Radio: Configures radio settings on the right fields.
– SSID: Enters the service set identifier (SSID) for an access point.
– Client Name: Assigns a client name for the terminal.
– Power Save: Selects a power saving mode when idling. Value CAM stands
for constant awake mode, Maximum for maximum power saving mode and
default Fast for fast power saving mode.
– Tx Power: Selects a transmit power for power saving. While the default is set
to Maximum, lower the transmit power to 50, 30, 20, 10, 5 or 1mW. The
lower power will result in a lower signal strength.
– Bit Rate: Selects a suitable transmission rate to AP. While the default is set to
Auto, set the bit rate to 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 or 54 Mbps. The
higher rate will allow a shorter distance between access points.
– Radio Mode: Selects a radio mode to AP. The terminal supports 802.11b/g.
While the default is set to BG optimized, change to B rates only (802.11b
data rates at 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps), G rates only (802.11g data rates at 6, 9,
12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54 Mbps) or BG rates full (All 802.11b/g rates).
– Auth Type: Selects an 802.11 authentication type. While the default is set to
no authentication needed to Open, change to Shared using WEP shared key
or LEAP using LEAP protocol.
• Encryption: Selects the type of encryption to protect transmitted data. Avail-
able types are Manual WEP, Auto WEP, WPA PSK, WPA TKIP, WPA2 PSK,
WPA2 AES, CCKM TKIP, CKIP Manual and CKIP Auto. While WEP Keys/
PSKs appears; WEP keys or pre-shared keys are required.
• EAP Type: Selects an extensible authentication protocol. Available types are
tials appears, authentication credentials are required.