Model 5100-02-IT Combustible Gas Sensor Module
Page: 17
The sensor module set-points menu is used to initially set-up the alarm set points, relay actions, gas type and
range, 4-20 mA action and RS-485/Sentry address and baud rates (See Menu Key in Appendix J).
• Alarm Set-points: Once the Set-up menu is selected, press [E] to activate the Alarm Set-point
screen. Use the [▲] or [▼] keys to select Low Alarm or High Alarm menu. Key [▲] will adjust the
setpoint upwards and Key [▼] will adjust the value downwards. Once it reaches the desired
setpoint, Key [E] will accept it and ACK will appear. Set-points can be configured using this menu to
values between 0 and 60.
• Alarm Relay Set-up: Once the Set-up menu is selected, press key [▼] once and press [E] to
activate the Relay Set-up menu. Use the [▲] or [▼] keys to select High Alarm or Low Alarm relay
menu and press [E]. Use the [▲] or [▼] keys to select the correct alarm relay action for the
application, Latch, Sentry or Non-Latch. Selecting “Sentry” enables the Sentry controller to make all
alarm action decisions. * indicates the current selection.
• Gas Factor: A calibration standard of Methane or Propane may be used in conjunction with scaling
factors to cause alarm function in %LEL scale of another gas. See Appendix I for a list of the scaling
factors. Note that if the 5100-02-IT is interfaced to a Sentry controller that the gas factor can be set in
the Sentry or the Gas Sensor Module but NOT IN BOTH. It is recommended that the gas factor be
adjusted in the Gas Sensor Module so that the display values on both the Gas Sensor Module and
the Sentry are matched. Note that gas factors are not applicable during calibration.
• 4-20mA: Once the Set-up menu is selected, press key [▼] three times and press [E] to activate the
4-20mA Set-up menu. Use the [▲] or [▼] keys to select Calib, or CalibOut TblOut menu and press
[E]. The “Calib” section of the menu allows the user to calibrate the 4 mA and 20 mA outputs. To
calibrate the 4 mA and 20 mA outputs it is necessary to have an amp meter connected to the 5100-
28-IT and upon selecting the 4 mA output calibration then the [▲] or [▼] keys can be used to adjust
the 4 mA reading on the amp meter until it reads 4 mA. Similar steps can then be performed for the
20 mA output. The CalibOut section allows the user to select the 4-20 mA output action desired
during calibration. * indicates the current selected value. Available selections include:
Track – the 4-20mA value tracks the calibration gas exposed to the gas sensor module
Zero – the 4-20mA value is held at 0mA during calibration
C1.50mA – the 4-20mA value is held at 1.50mA during calibration
C4.00mA – the 4-20mA value is held at 4.0mA during calibration.
The Tbl Out menu enables the user to select the mA output value for the Trouble Alarm. Select
“T2.5mA” to choose the 2.5mA default valve. Or select “User mA” and use the [▲] or [▼] keys to
select any valve between 0.5mA and 3.7mA.
• RS-485 - Once the Set-up menu is selected, press key [▼] four times and press [E] to activate the
RS-485/Sentry Set-up menu. Use the [▲] or [▼] keys to select Address or Baud rate menu and
press [E]. Note that the 5100-28-IT has a rotary switch on the faceplate and it is used to select
addresses 1-15. When connected to Sentry the user can select 1-8 and using Modbus RS-485 the
user can select addresses 1-15. For Modbus addresses above 15, set the rotary switch to 0 and
then use the “Address” menu to select any address between 16 and 254. The Baud rate menu
allows the user to select a baud rate of 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800 or 2400. * indicates current