
Professional Access Point
Administrator Guide
Overview - 14
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) support
SNMP Support
The Professional Access Point includes the following standard Simple Network Protocol (SNMP)
Management Information Bases (MIB):
SNMP v1 and v2 MIBs
IEEE802.11 MIB
Four USRobotics proprietary MIBs support product, system, channel, and wireless system statistics.
Status, monitoring, and tracking views of the network including session monitoring, client associations,
transmit/receive statistics, and event log
Link integrity monitoring to continually verify connection to the client, regardless of network traffic
activity levels
Reset configuration option
Firmware upgrade
Backup and restore of access point configuration
Backup and restore of user database for built-in RADIUS server (when using IEEE 802.1x or WPA/
WPA2 Enterprise (RADIUS) security mode)
What’s Next?
Are you ready to get started with wireless networking? Read through the “Pre-Launch Checklist: Default
Settings and Supported Administrator/Client Platforms” on page 15, and then follow the steps in “Setting
Up and Launching Your Wireless Network” on page 23.