Access Control
ETV Portal Server Administrator Guide 53
Allow Content Recording
Default Content Recording
Allow VBrick Access
STB Access
Schedule Privileges
Emergency Broadcast Privileges
Add/Modify User Information
To add or modify users, select Users from the navigation bar on the left.
Assigning Privileges to Users
There are three ways to assign privileges to users:
• Assign the User to a User Group that has privileges assigned to it.
• Assign the User to a Resource Group that has privileges assigned to it.
• Individually assign resources to the User.
User – Use this option if the EtherneTV system will be accessed by a
PC or Mac user, or if Users will be authenticated to STBs via PIN
numbers. This access is not limited to a specific PC or STB.
Set Top Box – Use this option if the EtherneTV system will be
accessed via a STB attached to a television or other video display. If
Set-Top Box is selected, then the privilege to the system will be on a
per STB basis. The authentication will take place automatically, so no
end user interaction is required. When choosing STB, the STB's host
name or IP address must be entered, as well as an optional location/
description of the STB.
Username To authenticate using an LDAP database, the user name must match
exactly what is in the LDAP database (the Portal Server is case
sensitive). A new user can also be assigned (if using the VBrick
database option) that does not exist in the LDAP database.
Password For LDAP authentication a password is not needed (the user will use
their normal network login password). If using the VBrick database a
password must be entered (passwords are case sensitive).
STB Pin Optional. A PIN number can be assigned to a user that allows them to
access their content from any STB, regardless of the STB's privilege
level. This works well when an STB is going to be a shared resource.
Note: STB PIN access is dependent on VBrick Database being
First Name Optional. User First Name.
Last Name Optional. User Last Name.
E-mail address Optional. User e-mail address.
Location Optional. User location.