WM Configuration
VBrick WM Appliance Admin Guide 75
Destination • Dedicated. When Passthrough State is set as Initiator and the
Destination is Dedicated, the VBrick appliance (whose serial port is
the destination of this COM port) can be configured and identified
using either an IP address or a host name.
• Slot1 MetaData. If Meta Data is enabled on the Encoder > Video
page, the appliance captures incoming data from the serial port and
inserts it into the stream as metadata. In a typical application, a
GPS receiver connected to a VBrick can insert ASCII strings
representing map coordinates into a stream. This information is
saved and sent as metadata with the video. To view the metadata
strings in Windows Media player you must enable display of
captions (
Play > Captions and Subtitles). This feature is disabled
when the appliance is in Edit mode.
The data is inserted when it reaches the maximum number of
characters (245 for WM) or when the Idle Timeout (see below)
between characters is reached. Note that a four-character
command and a trailing space are auto-inserted before any
metadata. The Media Player recognizes the TEXT command and
displays the metadata. This feature works for all passthrough port
baud rates but can only accept continuous serial data at rates up to
9600 baud; at higher rates there must be some idle time between
metadata strings.
• Slot2 MetaData. Same as above except the serial port data is
inserted as metadata in the video stream from the Slot2 encoder.
Baud Rate Rate of Passthrough port. Rate can be set to the following (Default =
9600): 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400,
19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200.
Stop Bits Number of stop bits for Passthrough port (1 or 2).
Parity None, Even, Odd.
RTS Control Force OFF, Force ON or Automatic. If automatic, the control will be
on when Passthrough is active.
Note: DTR and RTS are not available for COM2. Under no conditions
are RTS or DTR controls passed through end-to-end. All control
handling is local.
DTR Control Force OFF, Force ON or Automatic. If automatic, the control will be
ON when Passthrough is active. See note above.
Operational State Describes the current status of a Passthrough connection, including
error conditions, if any. Refer to the Status: Network Status > Codec
on page 94 for more information. This will display
Active if in
Passthrough mode.
Idle Time out 5–2000 milliseconds. Default = 500. The interval between characters at
which metadata is inserted into the stream.