Keypad Does Not Respond
Keypad Does
Not Respond
If the keypad does not respond properly:
• Check the LCD screen. If it displays the wrong character or nothing at all when
you press a key, follow the steps outlined in Transactions Fail To Process.
• If pressing a function key does not perform the expected action, refer to the
user documentation for that application to ensure you are entering data
• If the problem persists, contact your local VeriFone representative for
Fail To Process
There are several possible reasons why the terminal may not be processing
transactions. Use the following steps to check troubleshoot failures.
Check Magnetic Card Reader
• Perform a test transaction using one or more different magnetic stripe cards to
ensure the problem is not a defective card.
• Ensure that you are swiping cards properly. With the Omni 37xx card reader,
the black, magnetic stripe on the card should face inward, toward the keypad.
• Process a transaction manually using the keypad instead of the card reader. If
the manual transaction works, the problem may be a defective card reader.
Contact your VeriFone distributor or service provider. If the manual transaction
does not work, proceed to Check Telephone Line.
Check Smart Card Reader
• Perform a test transaction using several different smart cards to ensure the
problem is not a defective card.
• Ensure that the card is inserted correctly.
• Ensure the MSAM cards are properly inserted in the cardholders and the
cardholders are properly secured (see Install/Replace MSAM Cards).
• Process the transaction manually using the keypad instead of the card reader.
If the manual transaction processes, the problem may be a defective card
reader. Contact your VeriFone distributor or service provider. If the manual
transaction does not process, proceed to Check Telephone Line.
Check Telephone Line
• Disconnect the telephone line from the back of the Omni 37xx terminal and
connect it to a working telephone to check for a dial tone. If there is no dial
tone, replace the telephone cable.
• If the problem appears to be with the telephone line, check with the party you
are trying to call to see if their system is operational. If they are not
experiencing difficulties with their line, contact the telephone company and
have your line checked. If the telephone line works, contact your local
VeriFone representative for assistance.