Radiance Direct Vent Gas Heater
Optional Accessories
Fan Kits
FK26 Fan
The FK26 fan helps distribute heated air from within
the firebox out into the room. The fan is controlled by a
snapstat that turns power on and off as the firebox tem-
perature rises above and falls below a preset tempera-
ture. A rheostat provides for variable fan speeds.
115 Volt / 60Hz / .75 Amps
The fan itself does not require regular maintenance,
however, periodic cleaning of the fan and the surround-
ing area is required.
Refer to Page 16 for installation instructions.
Remote Controls
The remote control allows you to turn the heater on or
off from anywhere in the room. Refer to Page 43 for
wiring diagrams. These remote controls are for use with
RN/RP models.
Model Functions Controlled
RC2 ON/OFF and Temperature
IMTFK Wall mounted thermostat control
Screen Kit
An optional screen, R40SK, for use with the operable
doors is available to allow the doors to be left in the
open position.
Warming Shelf
Warming shelves add versatility to your stove; they can
be used to keep foods warm at mealtime.
Model Color
1560 Classic Black
1555 Biscuit
1556 Chestnut Brown
1557 Ebony
1558 Vermont Classic Green
1562 Sand
1565 Bordeaux
1566 Forest Green
1567 Midnight Blue
1568 Suede Brown
30220 Brick Blue
30222 Country Cookware Gray
30223 Granite Gray
30224 Sage Green
The shelf installation is done in three stages. First you
attach the shelf loosely to the stove, leaving the screws
loose enough to allow final adjustments. Then, you po-
sition the shelf and adjust the brackets so the shelf fits
correctly. Finally, you tighten the screws.
Refer to the instructions included with each warming
shelf for complete installation procedures.
Decorative Rings
7” brass or charcoal gray rings are available to add a
decorative touch to the exposed stove pipe.
Model Description
7FSDRG/4 7” Charcoal Gray Rings (4)
7FSDRP/4 7” Polished Brass Rings (4)