The FT-60R includes an “Emergency” feature which may be useful if you have someone
monitoring on the same frequency as your transceiver’s UHF “Home” channel. See page
29 for details on setting the Home channel.
The “Emergency” feature is activated by pressing and holding in the
key for one
second. When this is done, (A) the radio is placed on the UHF amateur band Home chan-
nel, (B) it emits a loud “Alarm” sound (the volume is controlled by the VOL knob), (C) it
flashes the LCD/keypad lamp, (D) if you press the PTT switch, you will disable the Emer-
gency feature temporarily; you can then transmit on the UHF Home channel, and (E) two
seconds after the PTT release, the Emergency feature will resume.
To disable the “Emergency” feature, press the
key momentarily or turn the radio off
by rotating the VOL knob fully counter-clockwise into the click-stop position.
Use this feature if you are out for a walk and want a quick way of alerting a family member
as to a dangerous situation. The alarm sound may discourage an attacker and allow you to
1) Be sure to arrange with a friend or family member to be monitoring on the
same frequency, as there will be no identification sent via the Emergency
alarm sound. And do not transmit the alarm tone except in a true emergency!
2) The “Emergency” feature may be changed to another function via Set Mode Item 19:
EMG S; see page 72 for details.
3) If you place the radio in the “VHF Only” mode (see page 62 for details), the radio will
transmit on the VHF Home channel when you press the PTT switch.
The Emergency Automatic ID (EAI) feature can be used for searching for persons who are
incapacitated in disasters like earthquakes, especially search-and-rescue personnel who
may have become injured in a debris field. In such cases, if another searcher sends out a
unique command (CTCSS tone pair), the radio of the incapacitated party, who may not be
able to speak or even press the PTT switch, will automatically cause the injured party’s
radio to transmit, so others may perform direction-finding and effect a rescue. The callsign
of the incapacitated person will also be transmitted, to assist the rescue team.
If an emergency group is working in a dangerous area, all members should engage the EAI
feature on their transceiver, so that others can provide assistance to a fallen team member,
if necessary.
The Emergency Automatic ID (EAI) Feature has two operating modes: (1) Interval mode
and (2) Continuous mode.