VerteX RTH Series H.8 and H.16 Series
C. Start Time
Using the arrow keys and the Select button, select {Start Time}.
On the selection window, set up Start Time using the arrow keys and the Select button.
D. End Time
Using the arrow keys and the Select button, select {End Time}.
On the selection window, set up End Time using the arrow keys and the Select button.
For a weekly setting in the {Start Time} and {End Time} fields, set Day to 0.
After the Daylight Saving Time is selected, the existing data will be displayed as
“OLD_” in the search and log list.
6-2. Recording
Set up Recording, System environments and major features.
6-2-1. Recording
[Figure 5-31. Recording Window]
In real-time monitoring screen, select {Menu} Æ {Setup} Æ {Recording}.
Recording Window appears as shown [Figure 5-31].
6-2-2. Data Selection (Data 1 ~ Data 4)
On the Main Setup window, select data using the arrow keys (up to four data types are supported )
Each channel can be set as four different data types. If Data is set as the recording schedule, each time
zone can be set as four different data setting.
6-2-3. Recording Setup
A) Camera (Camera Channel)
A. Camera Title
Name each camera. Max. 20 letters are available.