Setting the Stud Welding Pistol
4. Setting the Stud Welding Pistol
4.1 Setting the Stud Holder
The stud holders of the Stud Welding Pistols PS-1, PS-3K, PS-0K and PS-1K
have the same construction. If long welding studs are used it is, however, due
to the short construction form of the Stud Welding Pistols PS-0K and PS-1K
necessary to appropriately shorten the stop screw (4) of the stud holders on
these Welding Pistols.
1 Stud 3 Counternut
2 Stud holder 4 Stop screw
If other stud diameters are used, different stud holders matching the stud
diameters are required.
Set the stud holder as follows:
• Loosen counternut (3)
• Insert stud (1) into the stud holder.
The top edge of the stud flange must project over the front edge of the stud
holder by about 1.5 mm.
The stud must be inserted until it reaches the stop screw (4).
• Adjust stop screw (4) in the stud holder by rotating movement until the
dimension of 1.5 mm between the top edge of the stud flange and the front
edge of the stud holder is reached.
• Tighten stop screw (4) with the counternut (3).