Serial Communications
52 Vidikron PlasmaView Owner’s Operating Manual
Input Position Commands (not available on HDMI 1 or HDMI 2 inputs)
IHEIGHT -100/100 YES Sets the value for input height
IHEIGHT? NA NA Returns input height value
IHPOS -100/100 YES Sets a value for horizontal input position
IHPOS? NA NA Returns input horizontal position value
IVPOS -100/100 YES Sets a value for vertical input position
IVPOS? NA NA Returns input vertical position value
IWIDTH -100/100 YES Sets the value for input width
IWIDTH? NA NA Returns input horizontal width value
OVERSCAN 0/10 YES Sets the overscan percentage
OVERSCAN? NA NA Returns overscan percentage
Output Shift Commands (not available on HDMI 1 or HDMI 2 inputs)
OHEIGHT -100/100 YES Sets the value for output height
OHEIGHT? NA NA Returns output height value
OHPOS -100/100 YES Sets the value for output horizontal position
OHPOS? NA NA Returns output horizontal position value
OVPOS -100/100 YES Sets the value for output vertical position
OVPOS? NA NA Returns output vertical position value
OWIDTH -100/100 YES Sets the value for output width
OWIDTH? NA NA Returns output horizontal width value
Table 6-1. Serial Commands (continued)