Congratulations on the purchase of your new Niagara 9100 system.
The following steps in this Quick Start Guide will help you set up and
congure your new streaming media system, so you can begin stream-
ing or capturing video as quickly as possible. The Niagara web interface
allows quick and easy access to its operaonal features. You must modify
any advanced setup opons of the encoders through this interface before
running an encoder session.
Complete the following steps to begin operang the Niagara 9100.
AC power connector for 120-240 volts,
AC, 50-60 Hz (A on Figure 1)
Plug the power cable included with your system
into this connector and plug the opposite end
into an AC power source.
Video and audio inputs will vary between Niagara 9100 models.
The inputs may be combinaons of the following connecons (E on
Figure 1).
Composite BNC Input
A BNC-to-RCA adapter connects a com-
posite RCA video source to the BNC
SDI Video Input
The high-denion and standard-
denion serial digital interface (SDI)
is a professional video input that may
include embedded audio. SDI uses a
COAX cable with a BNC connector.
Unbalanced Audio Input
These connecons are provided on a
breakout cable. These RCA connectors
provide le and right stereo inputs.
You will nd RCA connectors (standard
consumer stereo audio connecons) on
most video players and video cameras.
6) The rst me you start the Niagara 9100 and log in, the system
prompts you for the date, me, and video standard. You may
accept the default date, me, and video standard or select
your own opons, then click Submit.
7) The Admin Log In window may reappear once you submit the
date, me, and video standard elds. You must enter User Name
and Password again.
8) This me when you enter your valid user name and password,
the system displays the Welcome window and menu bar.
9) To create an encoder prole, from the menu bar click
Encoders > All Encoders. This example demonstrates how to create
a Microso Windows Media encoder.
10) Click Create new encoder.
Analog Video
2. Connect Video and Audio Sources
Analog Audio
3. Connect to an IP Network
4. First Start Setup
1. Connect to an electrical power source
Continued on back
Quick Start Guide
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, Niagara
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are registered trademarks of ViewCast Corporation
or its subsidiaries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Product specications and availability
may change without notice.
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Digital Video
Figure 1. Niagara 9100 Back Panel
RJ-45 Ethernet connector (D on Figure 1)
The Niagara 9100 provides two network
connecons. Use either the primary
or secondary jack (or both) to connect to your
IP network.
NOTE: Contact your network administrator for assistance
if you are unfamiliar with network sengs.
The network sengs default to dynamically obtain an IP address from a DHCP
server on the network. For most network environments, you do not need to
modify these default sengs. If the system does not nd a DHCP server or it
remains unavailable on the network, it assigns its own IP address.
Once connected to a network, you should be able to access the built-in web
server by browsing to the unique machine name (the serial number located on
the boom of the appliance). You may also set the IP address through the web
If you do not have a DHCP network or you cannot connect to the appliance
through its DNS name, then you can connect a monitor to the VGA port (C on
Figure 1), and a mouse and keyboard directly to the USB ports (B on Figure 1).
The appliance has a Microso Windows 7 desktop.
The rst me you power on the appliance, the system takes a few moments to
boot up.
1) Check to ensure that you connect all devices (power cords, video and
audio sources, etc.) to the Niagara 9100.
2) Remove the front panel from the Niagara 9100: Press in the release buon
(J on Figure 2) and gently pull the panel toward you.
3) Press Power (P on Figure 2) to start the Niagara 9100.
4) From a separate computer on the same network as the Niagara
system, launch a web browser such as Internet Explorer and
enter the serial number or IP address of your system in the
address bar. The serial number is located on the boom
or the side of the system in the format fexxxxxxxx.
5) Click in the User Name eld and enter admin as the user name.
Then click in the Password eld and enter admin as the
password. Finally, click Log In or press Enter.