Number 8 s @ 40 000~009
Key Pad 8 s A 41 000: UP
001: DOWN
002: LEFT
003: RIGHT
004: ENTER
005: INPUT
8 s B 42 000: Disable
001: Enable
002: Pass through
Disable: RCU has no
effect on HDTV.
Enabled: RCU
controls the HDTV.
This is the power up
default on the HDTV.
Pass through: RCU
has no effect on HDTV
and all RCU command
codes are transmitted
to FC via the RS232
8 s ~ 7E 000 Resets HDTV to
factory setting
1. Behavior at lock modes
Lock Mode Behavior
Button Lock
1. Lock all buttons of front panel and RCU, except for “Power”
2. All the SET functions should be workable via RS32, even the ones with
according hot key in RCU like Mute,…etc.
1. Lock “MENU’ key of front panel and RCU
2. The Factory and Hospitality modes should not be blocked for the model
using MENU-combined key to enter these two modes. Alternative
approach will be indicated separately if any limitation by model.
1. Lock “POWER” key of front and RCU.
2. The SET_POWER on/off should be workable via RS232, but does not
mean the POWER lock will be released under this case.
3. Can not be un-locked by reset in OSD setting
4. Will auto AC power-on in power-lock
5. Under power-lock, the set will not enter power saving when no PC
signal and neither not turn off when no other video signals after 15min.
Remote control disable Lock the keys on RCU, but keep the buttons of front panel workable.