ViewSonic N1700w 17
Image Scale Page
← and → shall be used to navigate across the horizontal tabs (Scale
Mode and Aspect Ratio).
keys shall be used to navigate to the selection (Full Scan, 1:1,
Pressing enter shall invoke the selection (1:1 is shown)
Time out or MENU shall exit the OSD.
Function Explanation
SCALE MODE 1. These checkboxes determine how an incoming PC or video signal is
scaled to be display ed on a panel.
a. Full Screen = Displays the incoming signal and scales the image
to use ALL available pixels on the screen.
b. 1:1 = Displays the image in it’s ‘native’ resolution using exactly a
one to one correspondence in input vs. output pixels. A “Black
Box” shall surround all non-used pixels.
c. Aspect Ratio = Scales the image as large as possible, but
maint ain the signal’s correct aspect ratio. Non-used area of the
screen shall be ‘black-boxed’
DEFAULT Restores all controls to factory default.