ViewSonic ND4200/ND5000 15
Video/Audio Configuration
This screen is used to adjust the display and audio parameters. Click Management
> Video/Audio. The screen shown below appears.
1In the TV Mode field, click the down arrow for the pull-down menu and select
one of the options.
2Move the Brightness slider: values range between -128 and 127
3Move the Contrast slider: values range between 0 and 255
4Move the Saturation slider: values range between 0 and 255
5 Move the Audio Channel Volume (left) slider: values range between 0 and 100
6 Move the Audio Channel Volume (right) slider: values range between 0 and 100
7 If any changes were made to this screen, do the following:
• To enable the changes, click Apply
• To save the changes, click the Administration menu > click Save
Configuration > click Save.