Setting up
On a horizontal surface
Suspended from the ceiling
• Keep a space of 30 cm or more
between the sides of the projector
and other objects such as walls.
• Consult with your dealer before
a special installation such as
suspending from a ceiling.
The values shown in the table are calculated for a full size screen: 1024×768.
(a) Screen size (diagonal)
(b) Projection distance (±10%)
(c1), (c2) Screen height (±10%)
Screen size
4 : 3 screen 16 : 9 screen
Projection distance
Projection distance
min. max. min. max.
inch m m inch m inch cm inch cm inch m inch m inch cm inch cm inch
30 0.8 0.9 35 1.1 43 41 16 5 2 1.0 39 1.2 47 39 15 -1 0
40 1.0 1.2 47 1.4 57 55 22 6 2 1.3 52 1.6 62 51 20 -2 -1
50 1.3 1.5 59 1.8 71 69 27 8 3 1.6 65 2.0 78 64 25 -2 -1
60 1.5 1.8 71 2.2 86 82 32 9 4 2.0 78 2.4 94 77 30 -2 -1
70 1.8 2.1 83 2.5 100 96 38 11 4 2.3 91 2.8 109 90 35 -3 -1
80 2.0 2.4 95 2.9 115 110 43 12 5 2.6 104 3.2 125 103 41 -3 -1
90 2.3 2.7 107 3.3 129 123 49 14 5 3.0 117 3.6 141 116 46 -4 -1
100 2.5 3.0 119 3.6 144 137 54 15 6 3.3 130 4.0 156 129 51 -4 -2
120 3.0 3.6 143 4.4 172 165 65 18 7 4.0 156 4.8 188 154 61 -5 -2
150 3.8 4.6 179 5.5 216 206 81 23 9 4.9 195 6.0 235 193 76 -6 -2
200 5.1 6.1 239 7.3 288 274 108 30 12 6.6 261 8.0 314 257 101 -8 -3
250 6.4 7.6 299 9.1 360 343 135 38 15 8.3 326 10.0 392 322 127 -10 -4
300 7.6 9.1 359 11.0 432 411 162 46 18 9.9 391 12.0 471 386 152 -12 -5
c1 c2
Arrangement (continued)