Control Explanation
Dynamic Contrast allows the user to turn the contrast ratio enhancement on or
Response Time adjusts the response time of liquid-crystal display for image
quality enhancement.
Standard sets response time to normal speed.
Advanced sets response time to higher speed.
Ultra Fast sets response time to highest speed.
Overscan allows the user to cut off extra area around the image.
ECO Mode provides the lower power consumption by reducing the brightness.
Standard: The default brightness setting.
Optimize: Decreases the brightness by 25 %.
Conserve: Decreases the brightness by 50 %.
Setup Menu displays the menu shown below:
Language Select allows the user to choose the language used in the menus and
control screens.
Resolution Notice advises the optimal resolution to use.
OSD Position allows the user to move the OSD menus and control screens.
OSD Timeout sets the length of time the OSD screen is displayed. For example,
with a “15 second” setting, if a control is not pushed within 15 seconds, the
display screen disappears.
OSD Background allows the user to turn the OSD background On or Off.
OSD Pivot is used to rotate the OSD menu, changing the OSD screen to
Landscape or Portrait mode.