VNB101 27
Turning off your computer
To protect your system and data file integrity, please follow the steps below to safely
shutdown your computer.
1. At the Tool Bar located at the bottom of the desktop, click the Power icon at the right corner.
2. Select “Shutdown” or “Restart” at the “Shutdown” dialogue to shutdown or restart the system.
Please DO NOT switch the power off before your system is properly shutdown to
avoid serious damages to your system files and loss of data.
12-2 System and Device Basics
1. Using Removable Devices
When you use an application, you will need to read/write data on CDs and USB storage
devices like USB thumb drive, USB hard drive, USB CD/DVD ROM and digital camera. When
you insert a removable device, the system will mount the device automatically and pop up a file
manager window.
After you finishing read/write operations on a removal storage device, please close the file
manager window before un-mounting the device.
Please DO NOT remove or unplug the storage devices directly before
un-mounting to avoid loss of data; you need to store the data on the removable
device if you want to use data under Windows XP.