190ViewSonic Pro9500
Command Format
Command formats differ among the different communication ports.
● TCP #23
You can use the RS-232C commands without any changes. The reply data
format is the same as the RS-232C commands.
However, the following reply will be sent back in the event of authentication
failure when authentication is enabled.
Header Data length RS-232Ccommand Check Sum
0x02 0x0D 13 bytes 1 byte 1 byte
Reply Error code
0x1F 0x04 0x00
<Reply in the event of an authentication error>
Header → 0x02, Fixed
Data length → RS-232C commands byte length (0x0D, Fixed)
RS-232C command → RS-232C commands that start with 0xBE 0xEF
(13 bytes)
Check Sum → This is the value to make zero on the addition of the
lower 8 bits from the header to the checksum.
Connection ID → Random value from 0 to 255 (This value is attached
to the reply data)
● TCP #9715
Send Data format
The following formatting is added to the header (0 x 02), Data length (0 x 0D),
Checksum (1 byte) and Connection ID (1 byte) of the RS-232C commands.
7. Other Functions
7.4 Command Control via the Network (Continued)