Other Information
ViewSonic VT3205LED
Limited Warranty
What the warranty covers:
replace the product with a like product. Replacement product or parts may include remanufactured or refurbished parts or components.
How long the warranty is effective:
Who the warranty protects:
What the warranty does not cover:
1. Anyproductonwhichtheserialnumberhasbeendefaced,modiedorremoved.
2. Damage, deterioration or malfunction resulting from:
a. Accident,misuse,neglect,re,water,lightning,orotheractsofnature,unauthorizedproductmodication,orfailureto
follow instructions supplied with the product.
b. RepairorattemptedrepairbyanyonenotauthorizedbyViewSonic.
c. Anydamageoftheproductduetoshipment.
d. Removal or installation of the product.
e. Causesexternaltotheproduct,suchaselectricpoweructuationsorfailure.
f. UseofsuppliesorpartsnotmeetingViewSonic’sspecications.
g. Normal wear and tear.
h. Anyothercausewhichdoesnotrelatetoaproductdefect.
3. Anyproductexhibitingaconditioncommonlyknownas“imageburn-in”whichresultswhenastaticimageisdisplayedonthe
product for an extended period of time.
4. Removal, installation, and set-up service charges.
5. When you mount it on the wall, the following must be noticed:
a. The accessories attached with this product are applicable for this product only.
b. Whentheproductismountedonthewall,holesandxedscrewswillremaininthewallbody.
c. Wall face may discolor when this product has been mounted on the wall for a long time.
How to get service:
1. Forinformationaboutreceivingserviceunderwarranty,contactViewSonicCustomerSupport(pleaserefertoCustomerSupport
page). You will need to provide your product’s serial number.
2. To obtain warranted service, you will be required to provide (a) the original dated sales slip, (b) your name, (c) your address, (d) a
description of the problem, and (e) the serial number of the product.
3. TakeorshiptheproductfreightprepaidintheoriginalcontainertoanauthorizedViewSonicservicecenterorViewSonic.
4. ForadditionalinformationorthenameofthenearestViewSonicservicecenter,contactViewSonic.
Limitation of implied warranties:
There are no warranties, express or implied, which extend beyond the description contained herein including the implied warranty of
Exclusion of damages:
1. Damage to other property caused by any defects in the product, damages based upon inconvenience, loss of use of the product, loss
loss, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
2. Anyotherdamages,whetherincidental,consequentialorotherwise.
3. Anyclaimagainstthecustomerbyanyotherparty.
Effect of state law:
limitations on implied warranties and/or do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and
exclusions may not apply to you.
Sales outside the U.S.A. and Canada:
The warranty period for this product in mainland China (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Excluded) is subject to the terms and conditions of the
Maintenance Guarantee Card.