This ENERGY STAR qualied product saves your money by reducing energy cost and
protecting the environment without sacricing features or performance. We are proud to
offer our customers products with the ENERGY STAR mark.
Products that are ENERGY STAR qualied use less energy and prevent greenhouse gas
emissions by meeting strict energy efciency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. We commit to offering products and services worldwide that help
customers save money, conserve energy and improve the quality of our environment.
The more energy we can save through higher energy efciency, the more we reduce
greenhouse gases and the risks of climate change. More information refers to www.
energystar.gov or ww.energystar.gov/powermanagement.
Note: Information in this section may not apply to your computer.
This ENERGY STAR qualied product:
- produces less heat and reduce cooling loads in warmer climates.
- automatically goes into "display Sleep" and "computer Sleep" mode after 10 minutes of
- wakes from "Sleep" mode by pressing the power button.
- saves more than 80% energy when in "Sleep" mode.
ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered U.S. marks.