ViewSonic WPG-360 29
Displays and configures the wireless settings.
Item Description
Wireless Function Select ‘Enable’ to enable wireless network function; ‘Disable’ to
disable it.
Mode Select wireless mode. Only AP (Access Point) mode is supported.
Band Select the wireless band. Available options are:
2.4GHz (B) - 802.11b clients only.
2.4GHz (N) - 802.11 Draft-n clients only.
2.4GHz (B+G) - 802.11b and 802.11n clients.
2.4GHz (G) - 802.11g clients only.
2.4GHz (B+G+N) - 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n clients.
Device Name
Input the Device Name of presentation gateway here. Default is
Channel Number Select the wireless channel number: 1 to 13. (1 to 11 in certain
version of product)
Associated Client Shows all connected wireless clients (wired clients will not be
displayed here).
Click ‘Refresh’ button to reload list.
Click ‘Apply’ button to save the settings.
NOTE: When the configuration settings are changed, you must restart the network
connection. You can restart the network connection by clicking “Restart” on the web
configuration menu.