l pound black beans
2 quarts water
l tablespoon salt
3 cloves garlic, minced
l teaspoon salt
l teaspoon ground cumin
l teaspoon oregano
⁄4 teaspoon dry mustard
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 small green peppers, chopped
2 small jalapenos, chopped
l tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Soak beans in water overnight. Next day, cook beans in same water
adding l tablespoon salt, until the beans are almost tender.
Combine garlic, l teaspoon salt, cumin, oregano and mustard. Heat
the olive oil in a medium sauté pan and sauté onions for 5 minutes.
Add the green peppers and jalapeno and continue to sauté until veg-
etables are tender. Stir in the seasonings and lemon juice. Add
⁄2 cup
liquid from the beans. Cover and simmer about 10 minutes. Add this
mixture to the beans and continue to cook until flavors are blended,
about an hour.
To thicken the soup, remove l cup of beans and liquid and put in a 2-
cup glass measuring cup. Puree the beans and liquid with the hand
blender; return to soup. Or, use the hand blender stainless blending
attachment directly in the pan of beans to reach the desired amount of
pureed beans. Serve in bowls with a small mound of rice, and garnish
with finely chopped green onion tops and shredded cheese.