
© 2005 directed electronics, inc.
wwhhaatt iiss iinncclluuddeedd
One control module
A pair of four-button transmitters
Wire harnesses
Dual diode harness
The 514N six-tone programmable siren
The status LED indicator light
A push-button Valet switch
Your warranty registration
Starter Kill ready circuitry
(may require additional labor)
XR external receiver/antenna
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Congratulations on the purchase of your state-of-the-art vehicle
security system. This system has been designed to provide years
of trouble-free operation. Due to the complexity of this system,
it must be installed by an authorized dealer only. Installation of
this product by anyone other than an authorized dealer voids the
warranty. All dealers are provided with preprinted dealer certifi-
cates to verify that they are authorized.
This owner’s guide should help you to get the most out of your
system. Please take the time to read it prior to using the system.