G18 Baseball (with options of B07, B08, B09)
A baseball field is laid out as shown in diagram B. A player throws 3 darts in each inning and
the runs/bases are set as follows:
A home run can only be scored on the 3rd dart of each turn. The player with the most runs at
the end of the game is the winner. The LED displays will indicate a player’s base and the run
total by innings. Players can select 7, 8 or 9 innings in this game and compete at different levels.
G19 Bowling (with options of 10r, 11r, 12r, 13r, 14r, 15r)
Accuracy is a must in this very challenging game. The Scrolling Screen displays “SELECT ALLEY”
and each player selects his alley by throwing a dart at a segment and then use the 2nd and
3rd darts to score points (pins). Pins are scored as follows:
A player can not hit the same single twice in the same frame. The second hit will be counted
as zero (0). Therefore it would be more advisable for the player to hit the inner and outer
singles to score 10 pins. The cricket displays will indicate the number of rounds. Hitting a triple
segment will result in a scor
e of 20 pins while hitting a double twice will only r
esult in 10 pins.
Otherwise you will get only 9 pins if you hit the double with your second dart and another
segment with your third dart.
The perfect game is 200/220/240/260/280/300 respectively for the options chosen. Players can
select different options for playing this game (i.e. 10 rounds - 15 rounds).
Segments Results
Single One base
Double Two bases
Triple Three bases
Bull’s-eye Home run
Diagram B
Segments Score
Double 9 Pins
Outer Single 3 Pins
Triple 10 Pins
Inner Single 7 Pins
Option 10r 11r 12r 13r 14r 15r
No. of Rounds 10 11 12 13 14 15
Outer Single
Triple Single
Inner Single