© 2008 Directed Electronics. All rights reserved.
• 7 ashes: manual transmission mode is enabled and not initialized
• 8 ashes: neutral safety wire has no ground or the remote start
defeat toggle switch is off.
Keep a record of the number of flashes, to assist your installer when taking the
vehicle in for service.
Owner recognition
Owner Recognition lets up to four users of the system have unique set-
tings that meet their specific needs. It is almost like having four separate
alarms in your vehicle, one for each user. This feature is only available
to authorized dealers using the Bitwriter or Bitwriter 2 program tool.
Rapid resume logic
This Directed system will store its current state to non-volatile memory.
If power is lost and then reconnected the system will recall the stored
state from memory.
For example, if the unit is in Valet Mode and the battery is disconnected
for any reason, such as servicing the car, when the battery is recon-
nected the unit will still be in Valet Mode. This applies to all states of the
system including arm, disarm, and Valet Mode.