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System Expansion Options
Controlling two vehicles (Car Select)
The Responder LC and 1way companion remote can control systems
in two different vehicles saving the need for multiple remote controls.
This feature also allows for customized system configurations on each
vehicle that has more than one driver. See Owner Recognition for
Owner recognition
The system can be configured to recognize the remote used when
unlocking, and will change selected features to match the remote users
preferences. Memory seat adjustment, horn honks, passive Locking,
remote button auto unlocking, can all be custom set for each remote
user at the time of installation.
Comfort closure
Comfort Closure emulates turning the key in the door cylinder or hold-
ing the lock button of an OEM keyless entry. It will automatically close
the windows and sunroof on vehicles with this type of OEM conve-
nience feature.
Driver door priority unlocking
The door unlocking operation can be configured to emulate an OEM
style of driver priority unlocking for added security during Unlocking.