DU6871/DW6851/DX6831 DLP Projector - User's Manual
Replacing the Lamps
Depending on the lamp model, the lamp life is affected by the installation method and frequency
of the lamp on/off operation� It is suggested to replace the projector lamp when the lamp is used
for approximately 1500 hours to ensure high projection quality� In the OSD Menu, the lamp
using time can be checked from the "OSD Menu - Service". The lamp should be replaced when
the projected image is obviously darkened� Contact your local dealer to purchase the authorized
new lamp suitable for your projector�
• PurchasethelampmoduleproducedbyVivitek.UsingthelampthatisnotmadebyVivitekmayaffectthe
How to replace the projector lamp
1� Turn off the projector and unplug the power cord� Wait till the projector, lamp and
peripheral devices to cool off� Then remove the lamp module for replacement�
• Whentheprojectorisjustturnedoff,thetemperatureofthelampinsidetheprojectorisstillveryhigh(about
2� Remove the screw with the screwdriver
and take the lamp cover out
4� Insert the new lamp following the
direction of the original lamp
3� Remove the screw with the screwdriver
and take the old lamp out
5� Tighten 3 screws on the lamp with the
, install the lamp cover
and use the screwdriver to tighten the
2 screws on it
• Afterinsertingthenewlampandtighteningthe3screws,pleasemakesurethelampisinstalledproperly.