User's Manual - 103
■ Add date and time sufx to the le name
Select this option to add a date/time sufx to the le name.
For example:
Click Save media to enable the settings.
Note that after you set up the rst media server, a new column for media server will automatically display
on the Media list. If you wish to add more media options, click Add media.
Media type -
Video clip
Select to send video clips when a trigger is activated.
■ Media name: Enter a name for the media setting.
■ Source: Select a video stream as the source of video clip.
■ Pre-event recording
The Network Camera has a buffer to temporarily hold data up to a certain limit. Enter a number to
decide the duration of recording before a trigger is activated. Up to 9 seconds can be set.
■ Maximum duration
Specify the maximum recording duration in seconds. The duration can be up to 10 seconds.
For example, if pre-event recording is set to five seconds and the maximum duration is set to ten
seconds, the Network Camera continues to record for another 4 seconds after a trigger is activated.
Date and time suffix
The format is: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
File name prefix
1 sec. 2 sec. 3 sec. 4 sec. 5 sec. 6 sec. 7 sec. 8 sec. 9 sec. 10 sec.
Trigger Activation