122 - User's Manual
authtyperw MD5,SHA 6/6 Read/write authentication type
authtypero MD5,SHA 6/6 Read only authentication type
encryptpwrw string[8~128] 6/6 Read/write passwrd
encryptpwro string[8~128] 6/6 Read only password
encrypttyperw DES 6/6 Read/write encryption type
encrypttypero DES 6/6 Read only encryption type
rwcommunity string[31] 6/6 Read/write community
rocommunity string[31] 6/6 Ready only community
Group: snmp (capability.snmp) (product dependent, VS7101)
versions 1 ~ 3 6/6 SNMP version to use.
rocomm string[14] 6/6 V1, V2c Read only community.
rwcomm string[14] 6/6 V1, V2c Read write community.
adminauthtype 0 ~ 2 6/6 Authority type for root authentication.
admindpvcy string[64] 6/6 Root data encryption key.
enableadpvcy <boolean> 6/6 Enable root data encryption key.
userauthtype 0 ~ 2 6/6 User authority authentication.
userdpvcy string[64] 6/6 User data encryption key.
enableudpvcy <boolean> 6/6 Enable user data encryption key.
trapserver <ip address>,
6/6 Trap server
trapcomm string[14] 6/6 Trap community
objectid string[40] 6/6 Object ID
7.20 Layout Configuration
Group: layout (Old version) (Only for VS7100, EM7100)
layouttype 1, 2 1/4 Layout type of main page:
1: image mode
2: text mode
fontcolor 0 ~ 15 1/4 Font color of main page.
backgroundcolor 0 ~ 15 1/4 Background color of the main page.
logotype 1 ~ 3 1/4 Source type of logo:
1: default