User's Manual - 209
zoom wide Zoom larger view with current speed.
tele Zoom further with current speed.
speedpan -5 ~ 5 Set the pan speed of current command.
speedtilt -5 ~ 5 Set the tilt speed of current command.
speedzoom -5 ~ 5 Set the zoom speed of current command.
x <integer> x-coordinate clicked by user.
It will be the x-coordinate of center after movement.
y <integer> y-coordinate clicked by user.
It will be the y-coordinate of center after movement.
videosize <window size> The size of plug-in (ActiveX) window in web page of 1O content.
resolution <window size> The resolution of streaming of 1O content.
stretch <boolean> 0 indicates that it uses resolution (streaming size) as the range
of the coordinate system.
1 indicates that it uses videosize (plug-in size) as the range of
the coordinate system.
return <return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the parameter is
assigned. The <return page> can be a full URL path or relative
path according to the current path. If you omit this parameter, it
will redirect to an empty page.
8.16 IP Filtering
Note: This request requires Administrator access privileges.
Method: GET/POST
Syntax: <product dependent>
&return=<return page>]
type NULL Get IP filter type
allow, deny Set IP filter type
method addv4 Add IPv4 address into access list.
addv6 Add IPv6 address into access list.
delv4 Delete IPv4 address from access list.